Surgical Procedures

From promoting long-term health to addressing concerning lumps, our surgical expertise includes spaying, neutering, mass removals, and other specialized procedures. We’re dedicated to providing your pet with the best possible care.

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About Our Service

Experience meets compassion in our surgical suite. At Seaside Veterinary Clinic, we understand that surgery is a big decision for both you and your pet. That’s why we prioritize personalized care throughout the entire process. Our experienced team works closely with you to tailor the surgical approach to your pet’s unique needs and medical history. This ensures your pet receives the most appropriate procedure for their specific condition.

We also tailor our anesthetic protocol to each animal, considering their age, breed, and overall health. This involves pre-anesthetic bloodwork to assess organ function and screen for common underlying conditions. During surgery, our dedicated veterinary technicians meticulously monitor patients throughout their surgical procedures. Anesthesia is adjusted as needed to minimize risk. Following surgery, pets rest comfortably under the watchful eyes of our dedicated team, promoting a smooth recovery.